Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We’re setting up a blog for two purposes: 1) to provide an accessible platform for communication about our September UK Tour—a place to clarify logistics and get acquainted, and 2) to function as a platform for a particular assignment that will be included in ENG 388. Details about this assignment will be included in the ENG 388 Student Guide, This will be the first time that Ashford University has used a blog as part of a course.

But, to begin, everyone on the tour is invited to join the blog under the topics posted.
Add your comments, ask questions. And introduce yourself!


  1. Are there particular books which those of us who are “auditing” (via blog) should consider purchasing? Scott Turner

  2. The two novels we're reading are: Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) and The Return of the Native (Thomas Hardy). We'll be exploring poems by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Bryon, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Christina Rosetti, Hopkins, Housmann and Arnold. Most of these poems should be included in any anthology of 19th century British literature.

  3. Hi everyone. My name is Tina and I in California. This class has got me fired up about school again. The whole idea of reading these amamzing novels and taking this trip... it's hard to find the right words to expalin my emotions. Books mean a lot to me. To be able to see some of the places that could have inspired great literature, again speechless.
    Looking forward to meeting you all.

  4. Hello Anonymous a/k/a Tina! I have read Jane Eyre several times: Once as a teenager and twice as an adult during my 20s and 40s. I never read The Return of the Native. I just purchased the book and will be reading it shortly. I understand your comment about the importance of books. I read a lot when I was young and I still read many books whether they are school related or just to free my mind of intellectual matter. I know the feeling of this tremendous excitement to be embarking on a trip where history is old and intense and rich. I live in Washington state, however, I lived and traveled all over the US. It is beautiful country and still primitive and untouched in other areas. Nevertheless, this is a young country and our history really just starts during the early 1600s! I am anticipating meeting everyone very soon!

  5. Hi
    My name is Machele.I live in California also. I am excited even though I don't read much. I just love to travel. I have never been to England and this is the best opportunity. See you soon.

  6. Hi all

    My name is Tracie. I live in Texas. I have all ways loved reading and history. One of my hopes has been to someday visit England and walk the steps of history. I look forward to the trip and meeting everyone.

  7. Hello everyone,

    Im Ashley. I live in small town of Hellam Pa. I cant wait for our England trip!!! I have a count down on my phone. I love the Victorian time period and cant wait to see the history up close. Its very different to go and see it then just see it on t.v. or in pictures. I never read The Return of the Native, but Jane Eyre is one of my top 5 favorites. I cant wait and look forward to meeting everyone on the trip. I haven't meet anyone from Ashford yet.

  8. This blogging is new to me but thrilling. What agreat way to start to meet everyone prior to the trip. I just noticed some of our travel mates are dropping off the blogging list. Where's Q? And the other gents?

  9. Hello all! My name is Jody Faust and I am so excited about this course and the trip. This is my first trip to England. I am looking forward to exploring the culture and taking in all the wonderful history. I read Jane Eyre and fell in love! I am not sure what I was expecting but felt that if you changed the setting I could see Jane in current times. Just started The Return of the Native. I hope to we get to know each other a little bit more before the trip.

  10. Hi Cherrie, I think Q went surfing but should be back soon ;)

  11. Sorry, I got distracted by that homework stuff. It seems my son never particularly suffered from that problem; therefore he is now enjoying Day Two of Summer Camp, at a little place called MCRD in San Diego. I'm guessing, at this very moment, that he might just be rethinking the virtue of those “grade” things, and how important (Dumb Ol') Mom and Dad kept telling him they were. Wisdom comes in many wrappings, some harder to open than others.

    As for "all the gents" Cherrie, unless the enigmatic “sparksfan” or “girliegirl0101” turn out to be closet males, I am afraid the less-fairer of the species in this class is limited to the Docs, Randy, and Yours Truly. This class is decidedly hormonally imbalanced; so much for my fond memories of junior high field trips where we were obliged to sit boy-girl-boy-girl on the bus. I might actually have to remove the dust-ridden wrapper from my “Miss Manners” book, a remnant from a Christmas party gag gift exchange back when bell-bottoms were in style.

    I assume everyone else got the menu selection spreadsheet - For anyone who has been across The Pond already, any insight on just what the Hell "Drunked Spotted Dick" might be? It sounds more like a malady than an entrée. Adventurous as I might be, I couldn't quite see putting an X in that box.

    I'll be checking in from time to time, perhaps when you least expect it. (diabolical laugh)

    By the way, how does one get the "B" link to a profile page? (Remember, I are blogdumb.)

  12. Spotted Dick is "not actually a medical complaint, spotted dick is a suet pudding with dried fruit and is an excellent pudding in winter with custard".

    As found on:

    ;) isn't this going to be fun!!!

  13. I think this is going to be such a fun trip. Thanks for clearing up that spotted Dick stuff. My co workers were laughing at me and trying to figure out what to eat. Even though I have not read the books. I am still there and can not wait to see History. By the way is anyone in the more mature stage age wise? Just curious. I am so looking forward to meeting everyone.

  14. I am so thrilled someone was brave enough to look into spotted dick. I have had many friends from England over the years ~ but that was a new one. My husband and I laughed till we cried and I told him if someone was brave enough to order it; I was going to take a picture of it for show and tell! I am sorry to hear we are male challenged; however, my husband married me because I think like a man! LOL! Rather, I am more logic (at times) than emotional. Nevertheless, I am a sentimal slob and probably will break out in tears at seeing those things I have longed to see in person. Loved the menu; I took some chances (though the spotted dick was just too risky)however, I want to try the Guiness, see the Queen's guards, and have fish and chips! I forgot how wordy Jane Eyre was! I am enjoying the Return of the Native ~ which surprised me. I do believe the parts of Jane Eyre I enjoyed most was the meeting with Mr. R!

  15. So, Q, you've been reading the books I see and writing with the eloquence of a poet! I love it! In fact, one of my neighbors (she just signed up with AU!) is a veteran visitor to England, she mentioned to me the other day: Been readin' Jane have ya? Apparantly the pros is contagious! LOL!

  16. Hi Randy,

    What did you think of the menu? Bye the by, I am bringing a Nikon and a netbook. Plus a blackberry. What I need to know is this: Is anyone familiar with the Nikon? I downloaded the cd with instructions, however, I am wondering if it is just over my head! I plan on taking pictures of everyone and everything! And would love to have pictures of all of us doing everything and being everywhere...I am hoping everyone will feel the same.

  17. Hi machele

    I am 58 years old. I have 7 grandchildren; been married twice ~ met movie stars; Amish, hillbillies. Lived on a reservation with Native Americans in Arizone when I was 14; danced in the parade with an old Apache chief at the rodeo in Flagstaff, AZ, and on occassion I can think like a 12 year old on occassion! LOL! I hope that helps. {;])

  18. Nikon and Canon are really the only two brands I would buy anymore, and while both of their upper lines are capable of doing most anything a serious photographer would want in terms of perversion (talking photo effects here - behave), their alter ego is a hyper-simple automatic function that can leave you mindlessly clicking away to your heart's content and worry about composition and corrections using the computer at your leisure later on. Of course the best part is all the film that you don't waste doing so anymore; just make sure you have all of the memory cards and batteries that you'll need, and (for the love of Pete!) you bought a Nikon: don't go cheap on the lenses. Stick with Nikon branded, fully compatible equipment unless you really like surprises. Both nameplates have a vested interest in you getting the most out of their cameras, so their websites and authorized dealers have a pretty good variety of tutorials, videos (if Jane and Native have hijacked your eyes), and FAQs for the whole gamut: expert to virgin. (Though I suppose "expert" isn't quite the opposing spectral extreme to virgin, now is it?) Take a look around and you should do fine. I are a Canon wiener myself (former Nikonian, Hasselbladian, and Leican) so may be able to help some, but perhaps not as much as someone who has kept current on Nikons.

    I am 45 (two weeks ago), no grandchildren that I am aware of, and didn't even know the Amish and hillbillies had movie stars! Having already confessed to your regressive tendencies Cherrie, I guess we all know who to turn to when some childish soul starts making farting noises on the bus...

  19. LOL! Actually, I don't know why ~ and for the love of heaven don't want to but, a fart will get me giggling! And just watch ~ we will all meet in Manchester and some stranger will let go! As to the high flalooting Hillbilly/Amish, I meant having lived in West Hollywood and worked for the motion picture business ~ I knew famous people. Became slightly acquainted with the Amish in PA back in the early 60s, as well as the HillBilly folk of the Appalachian (sp?) influence during that same period. My family traveled all over the US during the 60s. Lived and worked in D.C. as well as Virginia for over 5 years. And lived and worked in California for over 13 years. Glad to know you approve of the Nikon. Not a big fan of Canon. Don't like any of Canon products especially their printers.

  20. so far, only 8 of us are participating on the blog. I do believe with the exceptions of the Drs. Clugston and Lowe we number a total of 27. I do hope they join us. Has anyone had an opportunity to do some research of the areas we will be touring?

  21. Q, I would have sworn that you where going to be younger than me...lol...but Machele for your info I'm 42, married w/3 boys 9, 7, & 3.

    I started Jane Eyre, got bored out of my skull, so started watching the BBC mini-series version on Netfix Online (I'm watching them one-at-a-time and twice so I'm going to have a grasp on what is going on ;) I'm going to start Return of the Native when I'm done watching JE.

  22. Hello everyone again, I guess so far I'm the youngest. I'm 22. I just got done reread Jane Eyre, I read it before in high school. Haven't started the other book yet. I looked up some of the area we will be going to. I cant wait to see Stonehenge in England and Stratford-upon-Avon. I love Shakespeare =) .....So has anyone else every traveled to England, or will this be the 1st time for all of us?

  23. Hi Ashley,
    This will be a first for me. I studied Shakespeare in high school. My favorite was Taming of the Shrew. I played the old man that starts to tell the story in my HS theatre workshop; and I played him again with a Brooklyn accent when I was with a little repatory company in Greenwich Village in New York. I also played Bianca. My daughter played Kate while in college and was a hit! I was soooo proud of her! I am not a big fan of Shakespeare, but I enjoyed The Merchant of Venice and Othello very much.

  24. Randy,

    The Return of the Native isn't too bad. However, once you get past the first part ~ he goes on to discuss the Heath and apparently this wordy discription is very important ~ The story starts to move. You may want to see Jane Eyre with Orsen Wells and Joan Fontaine. I believe the movie was done in the 1940s. Very well done. However, there is one done in 1996 with William Hurt as Mr. Rochester and Charlotte Gainsbourg as Jane Eyre. For me, it was not the best rendition but the story is closer to the book and the film was shot on location in Derbyshire, England, as well as in Italy. Also, showing the story in color instead of black and white removed some of the doom and gloom from the story and kept the characters truer to their natures.

  25. Hi Everyone,
    So, it looks like I am definatly the oldest of the group (except when my inner child refuses to be silent! LOL!)and yet our ages are close enough to afford us a very interesting trip! Personally, I think we will compliment each other very well.

  26. Cherrie has my vote for Den Mother!

  27. Does my Blog thingie work? (Trying to see if I are still somewhat computer literate)

  28. Q, your Blog thingie works fine. As to Den Mother....are you sure?

  29. Hello everyone,

    My name is Katherine, and I'm posting for myself and my husband (Dan), who's an instructor for Ashford in history. We're not officially taking the class, but are very excited about the opportunity to join the trip! We live in Alexandria, Va, with our three wonderful cats.

    I've read Jane Eyre several times; Dan represents the poetry-reading half of our marriage. He also might try to get through the Hardy in the next month, although I'm not sure if I'm so brave ;-). I'm delving into the poetry, however, in an effort to broaden my mind...

    Since I'm the kind of person who prepares for a vacation, I'm going through a couple of books that you all might find interesting: Literary Landscapes of the British Isles (Daiches and Flower) and A Writer's Britain (Drabble). There are copies of the first available on Amazon, but only a fairly expensive hardcopy of the second. They might be available in local libraries, too.

    I'm looking forward to meeting all of you next month. Happy reading!


  30. Absolutely Cherrie! Who better to take point – and help us perpetuate our collective reputation as unconscionably ill-mannered Yanks – than someone whom we can rightly recognize as authoritative (as our elder stateswoman), but who also secretly harbors an inner child that will undoubtedly let us get into as much mischief as our hearts desire. I am not a fan of “Survivor,” but if I have the vernacular right, I hereby champion your status as our Tribal Leader. As titles go however, “Den Mother” is much more ambiguous and less binding, legally speaking.

  31. Welcome to the party Katherine, and Howdy! Thanks for the scoop on the books; any insight into something available on Kindle? A few more electrons are much less likely to put me over my weight limit. . . .

  32. You know Q, it is a little more than eery how well undertand me! LOL! Also, I am happy to know you do not like Suvivor either! Okay, then. Den Mother it is!

  33. Hello Katherine! Welcome to the wild bunch! Where in Alexandrea, VA? I used to live at the Duchess Garden Apts. off of Shirley Duke Highway. Later, we moved to Pensbury Estates in Springfield. And then moved again to Sterling Park. If memory services, it wasn't far from Tyson's Corner. Glad to know you and your husband are coming. I am not a big fan of poetry. I do enjoy the old stuff. I thought the Return of the Native was starting to move along; I was so mistaken. I forgot how some of the literary works were so wordy. Then, we have become a very busy society and we use the dialogue to move the story. Which I happen to enjoy most.

  34. Hi Katherine,

    Welcome to our little corner of cyberspace :)

    As you can see Cherrie is our semi-unofficial leader, Q is our resident poet, I am the resident expert on Spotted Dick, and Ashley is still a kid (for real, the rest of us just act like one).

  35. Cherrie--

    Just found this and thought of you....If we all sit down for an afternoon tea you can really be our den "mother"...

    Mother - Don't be alarmed if a British bloke says "Shall I be Mother?". This would happen when the family sit down to a pot of tea or a slice of cake and someone needs to pour or cut for everyone. Whoever gets to do the honours is being "Mother".

    Again found on:

  36. OMG! That is so funny. You will find this interesting: As I mentioned before I have had many friends from across the pond. I make an exellent pot of tea. In fact, for my daughter's 15th birthday we had a tea social. My daughter is now 27 and her friends are still talking about the party! I have not heard that expression: Shall I be Mother? for years. In the meantime, I can't wait to have tea and crumpets. I have an authentic crumpet recipe that I make now and then (when I have time to bake). I want real clotted cream on my deserts ( I use Cool Whip! for heaven's sakes when desparate!)I am hoping to stop at Bramah China Teas in London. It is a Museum. I am hoping someone will join me. This is one of my favorite quotes from William Gladstoen, British Prime Minister: If you are cold, tea will warm you; if you are too heated, it will cool you; if you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are excited, it will calm you. Thank God for tea! I am glad I was not born before tea. LOL!

  37. Hi Cherrie,
    I am 59 years old but my mom says I never grew up that is why people treat me like a child. I am to excited to read every time I try my mind starts thinking about this trip and all the things I need to finish before I go. I am going to order the audio and maybe I can settle down to listen. I also want to eat fish and chips. Thanks Randy for the web site. See you soon!

  38. Yeah Machele! Good for you for being young. And we are on for fish and chips! In the meantime, we are gathering a group to the wax museum and Phantom of the Opera. We'd love you to join us. That goes for Katherine and her spouse. Ashley's on board along with Q. We need to hear from Jody and Tracie Rose.

  39. Count me in on those fish n' chips also ;)

  40. Yeah, Randy! Way to go...Okay, Q...What about you? Fish 'n' Chips, Gov'na? Ashley? Jody? Tracie Rose? Katherine & Dan?

    In the meantime, I do understand we are to dress comfortably...Are we going to be in jeans and sweats for the whole 10 days? I do want to look nice at the theatre...I hate packing. And I do pack light...So, it would help to know. Any one have an idea?

  41. Greetings!

    To answer the various questions put to me during my absence from cyberspace: Cherrie: Near Van Dorn Metro station in Alexandria--close enough to the station and to two grocery stores that I almost never drive! And to Q: my apologies, but nothing on the Kindle--these are more of reading up beforehand kinds of books, although I would imagine that they're also similar to what the lectures on the tour itself will be about. And since I'm planning on essentially living in the British Museum for the three days we're in London, I think I'll have to decline the offer of Phantom and Madame Tussaud's. The fish and chips and tea, however, might be another story!

    Oh, and clothes, for those who are interested: I've been looking at a company called TravelSmith(dotcom, of course), which sells travel clothes and other accessories. The prices vary, but it might be helpful for anyone looking to figure out what to wear.


  42. Fish and chips was a staple fast food (when we ate fast food) at my house growing up; don't really recall the name of the primary source, but all its visitors were greeted by a very tall and uptight looking Limey wearing a monocle as their corporate logo. The novelty for me, as a kid, was getting my dinner wrapped in newspaper; there was something inherently dirty and rule-breaking about that, and as such was quite simply way beyond cool. This was the precursor establishment, either associated or in competition with, Zider Zee and Long John Silver’s, two more businesses that the McHugh family laundered much money for. In the intervening years however, two things have generally soured me on America’s version of my most ancient and revered deep-fried memories: having fresh halibut and chips in Alaska, to which only a limited number of sexual experiences can benefit by comparison, and the fish and chips scene from “A Fish Called Wanda.”
    And yet, the adventurer in me still comes up for a gulp of fresh air now and again . . . the former, I must simply accept as the unreachable full yardstick against which all other similar culinary experiences shall be measured. The latter remains one of my all-time favorite movies, and my respect for the film editor’s judgment in precluding a very likely indelible image of John Cleese, full and frontal, remains among mankind’s greatest decisions in my (occasionally) humble opinion. So the short answer is: Yes! I do indeed wish to avail myself of manna from the Motherland, my somewhat psychotic predisposition on the subject notwithstanding. Who among you dares sit beside me?!?!?

  43. Me of course!!!!!! You crazy man! LOL! Was the name of the fish place called Arthur's? Back in the 1970s Arthur Treacher opened up a chain of Fish 'N' Chips eateries where they served the fare on newspaper. Arthur was a Brit Actor who was most famous for playing the butler. He was a great friend of Merv Griffin (talk show host and inventor of Jeopardy and other game shows). I love trout, bass, crab, and shrimp. Not big on lobster. While living in Maine I have it once in 15 years. Well, now, we need to decided when we are going to have our English fare. In Lunnon perhaps on one of the 3 or 4 days where in the big city?

  44. Hi Katherine,
    I don't remember Van Dorn Metro station. It's been a while. Thank you so much for the advise on clothing. Now, what are we suppose to wear? I mean, are we just to be in jeans? I'm for it. I enjoy my comfort more and more at 58! LOL!

  45. For those who have not gotten the word, as I had not, the ENG388 books are now on Ed Map, sort of. They are tucked in under the General Education listing of courses – and NOT viewable under “All Courses” by the way – and is listed as ENG388-Destination Course. The books show a current backorder estimation of 5 days, with the promise of more readily available information when your books are not. Hopefully, none of you have been waiting on Ed Map, although the “Womantic and Rictorian Poetry” I ordered from Amazon three weeks ago (though it may turn out to be a Chinese knock-off) has yet to show itself at my door.

  46. Q, are these books the required ones for the course?

  47. What about the books on poetry, et al?

  48. Hi Q. I went into the student portal. I still see nothing there in the way of ordering books. How did you find that site? Thanks,

  49. Cherrie--

    Copy and paste this: https://www.shop-edmap.biz/ash/

    When the page opens "choose" on the first line General Education, the second line General Education, and the third line ENG388 Destination Class.

    The three correct books are on the page that will open, and you can add to the basket each one individually for which ever you don't already have :)

  50. Okay, I ordered the book. There were 3 poets missing in My Columbia Anthology of British Poetry. Ugh.

    Anyway, we are nearly zooming along here. Our itinerary will be arriving on 09/02/09. We will be in our classroom environment shortly and I am wondering if our blogging is anything of an example ~ what are we going to do in our online classroom!

  51. Hey all - count me in for the fish, the chips, the museum, the Phantom anything but the Spotted Dick!

  52. Chicken! Yeah Jody, way to go! So glad you are coming along for the London~Fest! Randy said if we can get a good size "group" we will get a better rate on the tickets for the Phantom.

    I have lost count; Randy do we have 8? Or 10? What constitues a group rate?

  53. Hey all,
    I agree with Jody; anything but spotted Dick. Okay I just heard from Randy through Facebook. Are there anymore takers.I have more luck when I call Ed Map than ordering on line. Will we do group rate when we get to London.I want to dress a little for the Theater also. Not too fancy but maybe church fashion. Someone mentioned mysteries. I do enjoy a good mystery. I used to read Harlequinn romances. That probably sounds lame; but these books would take me to another place and make me forget any issues I had at that time.

  54. I pretty much know that I will be the most over packed person on the trip. It is a sickness but I am getting counselling for it. So if you forgot anything at all I probably will have it. I know that I have not contributed as much as others to this blog but since we already have a Den Mother, resident poet, authority on spotted dick and the "kid" - I will gladly hold the title of group jester or smart a#*.

  55. Careful what you wish for Jody...headed for the land of Shakespeare as we are, you would be duly dubbed the "Fool" in Victorian Era vernacular. (Please chime in here Docs if I am indeed playing the part myself.) In keeping with your particular brand of traveler's hoarding, you'd better stick with being our Smart, uh, Additional Supplies Specialist.

  56. Hey Randy, since you're running point on the Phantom and Wax Museum tickets, tell them that they better give us the best price they've got: If it weren't for our fathers and grandfathers, we would be buying tickets for Phantom der Oper and Frau Tussaud's!

    My two cents, keep the change.

  57. All good points Q. Perhaps I might just bring one back pack and wing it with only the items I can carry. Sounds good in theory. I think I can find a way to pack the essentials and not go too overboard.

  58. You guys are so CoooooL! I love it. In the meantime, I have packed 3 pairs of jeans to do double duty. One pair of blue velvet pants for the Opera and maybe a few nice outings(washable velvet!)One odd pair of cords that will also do double duty and the ugliest pair of walking shoes! LLBeam mocks. One pair of silver loafers for the Opera and the rest are the um, essentials. And of course simple t-shirt tops. Oh, as to the Drunked Spotted Dick; It is a desert after all. I think I will order it. Take a picture and let you guys know how it is. LOL! After all, somethings are just too good to pass up!

  59. Yeah Jody, glad to know you are game for the events. You and I should pair up (when I am not wearing M'Den Mum Hat)and play Court Jesters! After all, I have this inner child that will need to play! Which reminds me: Q has this T-shirt...And I want to visit the Queen's Guards. I have a sceme for a picture that we could really play up on. We will talk about it at the NJ air port. After all, we'll have about 3 hours to kill! Game?

  60. Machele, I love mysteries. And I used to read the Harlaquinss too! Loved anything Agatha Christie, especially Poirot! And Miss Marple. However, she had a great 1920s couple and I can't remember the series. Actually, I read just about anything. I love history and science (biology actually)therefore, I am a big CSI fan. Addicted to Medical Detectives, et al.
    Still would like to discover who Jack the Ripper was, and I am hoping we can see the New Scotland Yard ( I am hoping to find the old one!)

  61. Here is my count for Phantom...if I have missed anyone let me know.
    Me :)
    Mark (Q)
    That's 6 and we need 9 for a "group". However I will not be able to afford to buy tickets for 9 people will be over $400.00 at one purchase so we may have to go a-la-cart on Phantom.

    I have found a couple of London "walking tours" that I am interested in taking (the Charles Dickens walk on Friday afternoon peaked my interest). Here is the website: http://www.walks.com/Homepage/default.aspx

    Here is the website for the "Tube" (subway for us Yanks) we have an entrance right around the block from our hotel (Gloucester Station): http://www.tfl.gov.uk/

    If I find anything else helpful I'll let y'all know ;)

  62. Wow! Thank you very much Randy. Don't forget Jody! She's interested. That make 7. So, we will need 2 more...Okay, are you ordering the tickets now? If so, how should we get you the funds? I certainly don't want you franking the loot without getting ours up front. Also, I am definatly interested in the walking tours. Love Dickens.

  63. Hey Everyone! My name's Alison but I go by Allie and I'm 27. I have never been overseas and I am very excited to be going on this trip to England with all of you. I look forward to meeting all of you in person, sorry it's taking me so long to get into this blog thing. I can't wait everyone, only about two more weeks and then we're off on our trip! Again I look forward to meeting and getting to know all of you! See ya soon! :)

  64. I checked the website for Phantom and it shows there are no tickets for a group our size and even the balcony is now sold out. For a show that has been playing daily since 1986 that's pretty good :)

    Anyway, I may be backing out of getting us group tickets because we may not be able to get them, and getting the funds all together in a hurry would probably not happen anyway. I suggest checking our schedule once the Doc's send it to us, and try and buy single tickets on our own. Here is the website: http://www.thephantomoftheopera.com/the_show/

  65. Okay. Then when we get to England maybe we should coordinate at that time so that we can make a night of it. Or catch a matinee. No worries. It is all good. If not the Phanthom we can group something together. There's Fish'n' Chip night with Beer; and we are a pretty adaptable group ~ we can always paint the town a Bright Green and Wear funky hats. They love hats in England! LOL!

  66. Allie, welcome. We are a bit wild here but we are having a blast. And very harmless. Maybe...I haven't decided yet. Catch up on the reading and let us know if you are on for Fish 'n' chips. Also, no one wants to try the Drunked Spotted Dick desert. But, I have decided when in Rome do as the Romans. So, I am going to order the desert, take a picture and critique it! LOL! Then, pass it around.

  67. Randy, Berna's in on the Phanthom! That will make 8 and if Allie's intersted we will have our 9. I am still going for a group rate when we get to England! Chances are we will get it!


  68. Cherrie, thank you. I'm so excited to be going on this trip and it seems like the school managed to get a great group of people together for it. I'm not a big "fish n' chips" person but I am open to trying new stuff so we'll see. Yeah, I have to agree not a fan of the Spotted Dick either! :) In regards to the Phantom, I would love to. The Phantom of The Opera has always been one of my favorite plays so I'm definitely in. How much are we talking about for tickets though? Can't wait to meet all of you!


  69. Hi Allie! Glad you are into whatever the menu may be (with the exception of Spotty! LOL. I have seen many renditions of the Phantom, but not the theatre version. Most were movies. I even got to see a private screening of the silent film version with John Drew Barrymore playing the phantom. I can't wait to do the night tour of haunted London. Keep in touch!

  70. Hey all, count me in for "Fish & Chips" I think we try for tickets at a group rate. I believe we can do it. Randy and I will save the seats at the airport. Two weeks and one day. Whoo Hoo. All aboard! Anybody up to going to Piccadilly Square and riding a Double Decker bus?

  71. Hi Tracie! Yes, I think I would definitely be up for going to Piccadilly Square and riding a Double Decker bus. Sounds like fun. Cherrie, that's very cool. I saw a theatre version when I was 11 years old in NYC, and a couple times when I got older at The Kennedy Center in DC. It's a great show/play. I look forward to meeting all of you very soon. I'm so excited! :)


  72. All right. I saw Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic Theater in San Antonio, Texas. It was "Incredible". I would love to see again.

  73. Good evening all! My name is Linda, and I am looking forward to meeting everyone! I have never been to Europe, so I am thrilled to be part of this group; and from what I have read so far, I think we will have a great time! Count me in for fish and chips, the Phantom, Picadilly Square, the double decker bus ride, and any other explorations!

    I live in New Jersey near the shore, and I have two teenagers, ages 15 and 15 at the moment (they are 9 months apart; my daughter was born Nov 2003, my son born Aug 2004) It was like having twins!! I work full time as a manager for a health insurance company, and have been tied up with projects and other duties, so this week is the first chance I had to use this blog.
    I do not know anyone else in this class, and I will be traveling alone, but I look forward to making many new friends! So to Jody, Cherrie, Q, Machele, Ashley, Tracie Rose, Katherine, and Dr Clugston, I look forward to getting to know you through this blog. (If I omitted someone who is on the blog, my apologies; it is 12:10am and I am a bit sleepy!!)

  74. Linda, don't worry about traveling alone ~ you won't be alone for long. LOL. I just reviewed our itinerary and it is quite impressive. I am so thrilled I can hardly breathe. And you are in excellent company, most of us are newbies to traveling abroad. Bring your camera and relax!

  75. Hi Linda,

    No worries. We will all be together. So glad you could join us. That is great; you are adventuress as the rest of us. We will count you in. Count down is on. We will all meet face to face soon.

  76. Okay, Gang. I just got an email from Randy with the website to get the tickets going. The group rate is for 10. I do believe we have 10 interested for Phantom. Now, we need to decide what night we want to go. Take a look at the itinerary and get back to me no later than tomorrow evening. Tickets are going fast. There were 4 seats together in the balcony. And I believe those came to $46.oo US dollars. If that is a good rate for everyone, Then I will proceed. But I won't do anything until I hear from you tomorrow. Thanks, Cherrie

  77. I think the Wednesday night show will be the best for us because the itinerary shows us having dinner at the Kensington hotel Thursday night from 6-7:30 and Wed. is clear and an "on our own" dinner night. Phantom starts at 7:30, so what do you think of having our "Fish N' Chips" night early enough to catch the Wed. time?

  78. Cherrie,

    I am a go!Count me in. Wed. is good for me. Balcony is good for me. Fish & Chips- yum. You have my vote.

  79. Chrrie & Randy,
    That sounds fine with me for the "Phantom" on both accounts. I have no issues for where we sit, how much or what night we go. So count me in, just let me know know what the rest of the details are. Like where or who do I pay and when? Stuff like that. I had planned on trying out a spa on our trip because my back is in desperate need and I love going to the spa but I couldn't really find a good time for that on our itenary so I might have to scrap that plan. Anywho, I'm very excited to meet all of you and go on this adventure with you all. What are you guys planning on wearing to this play?


    Oh, and hello Linda! It's nice to meet you! :)

  80. Oh, and I'll be winging my way up to Newark airport starting next Thursday so I'll little to no access to a computer (since I'm not bringing one with me) so if anyone needs to reach me you can email me at ae_tampagurl@yahoo.com. Thanks! Looking forward to meeing all of you very soon!


  81. Okay Wednesday it is!!!! Fish, Chips, and a play. I got my netbook up and running! Yeah! I will be ordering the tickets at the cheap seats value. They are 45.98 I believe in American dollars. So far so good from the few I heard from: Randy, Allie, Tracie. I need to hear from the rest of you today before 5pm Washington state time that's West coast.

  82. send money to: C.Carnaghi
    815 124th Street SW
    Everett, WA 98204
    $46.00 even. If there's a tax, etc. I'll let you know. How does that sound everyone?

  83. Cherrie,
    I will be on my way starting Next Thursday and I'm worried it would not get to you in time. Can I either pay you in cash when we meet at Newark airport or write you a check to give to you at the airport? Whichever you prefer. I just want you to have your pay and I'm going to be so insanely busy (as I'm sure everyone else is) getting all my the last minute preparations taken care of. Please let me know if it is ok for me to give you the money at the airport. If not I understand. Thanks for including me!


  84. Game on for me; do you by chance have a PayPal account?

  85. Um, yeah. I do for Amazon...Why? You know something per chance? LOL

  86. Hey Group, If sending me a check is too time constraint- have the money for me at the airport. I can wait. It's okay.

  87. I just need a for sure head count of 9 to 10!

  88. If you have a PayPal account, anyone else who has one can send you money that way, and electrons is about quick!

  89. Hello fellow-travelers. My name is Nancy, and I live near Los Angeles. Right now the sky is smokey, so I'm looking forward to the blue skies of England. I read The Return of the Native after I signed up for this trip, and really enjoyed it. I have always loved the book, "Jane Eyre." I am looking forward to meeting all of you.

  90. Hi Nancy,
    Glad you could join us. Look forward to meeting you.

  91. Cherrie,

    I am mailing you the payment today! Thanks so much for all your hard work to make this happen!

  92. Cherrie, not sure if my previous postings went through, but please include me in the count. I have a paypal account, and instead of sending a check I can send via Paypal - let me know! :-)

  93. Hello Allie - it is very nice to meet you!

  94. Hi Nancy! Welcome to the Wild Side...You flying out of LAX, SNA, LGB, ONT, or what? I am in Lakewood myself, and (the adorably timid) Machele is in Santa Ana. Would you benefit from coordinating transport to/from the airport?

  95. You are so funny Q. I am just loving this group. The more I read the better it gets.Welcome Nancy. I am flying out of LAX. Also are we doing the Madame. OOPS! That sounded wrong. Let me take that back. Will we coordinate that when we get to England. I can not believe I am saying that! WE ARE GOING TO ENGLAND Y'ALL!

  96. Hi Cherrie,
    I did send money today. It probably will not get to you until 9/08/09. If I would have read the other blogs about pay pal, I do have an account. I sent a certified check. Happy Labor Day!

  97. I PayPaled you my share Cherrie. Was hoping to hear from you by now to confirm, because I didn't know if you had a two-sided color printer to print out the cash . . . Hows come you ain't hanging out here in the blog on a Friday night with the rest of us no-lifers?

  98. Howdy Linda!
    Going through the posts I realized I hadn't said hello, and with a name like Guido from Joisee, I wanted to make sure I didn't inadvertantly offend. But two teenagers 9 months apart?!?!? I am not understanding: Cable's been around for more than 15 years, hasn't it? Couldn't afford it back then, or what? (See, this is where some of the economic stimulus money should be going: stopping the long-term, trickle down burden on our healthcare system resulting from people not having easy access to cheap home entertainment. Anyone else want to help me circulate petitions?)

  99. Have a safe long Labor Day weekend everyone! (I just needed an excuse to submit the 100th post.)

  100. Hello everyone, I think I missed something but how do you pay with pay pal? Or is it really ok Cherrie to give you the money at the airport. That would be a little better for me in the long run if that is ok with you?

  101. Hey Cherrie,

    Mailed my payment on Friday. Hi Ashley, Linda, Machele & Q. We are getting closer and closer. Looking forward to meeting you all. Class starts in 2 days.

  102. Is it too late for me to join the group of events in London?

  103. I everyone, it is not too late to join the group! However, Q I cannot access PayPal. I can't even order the tickets. Apparently, my internet is down and I cannot make long distance phone calls outside the US! someone contact Randy and see if he can call me at: 425-322-3700. For some odd reason, I can get incoming calls. I will get those tickets if it kills me! LOL! Thanks. so does that make 10 now?

  104. Okay, I see my comment posted finally! I have been trying for 3 days now.

  105. My name is Tina and I live in California. I am 37 and a single mom to an 11 year old.
    I would like to join the group to see Phantom . That sounds like a whole lot of fun.
    I have read Jane Eyre and also watched the BBC version from Netflix. Both were outstanding, though the video was LONG.
    Things that I am bringing:
    My Laptop
    2-3 pairs of jeans
    1 pair nice pants
    1 skirt to pair with tights
    1 pair of walking shoes
    1 pair of boots
    random t-shirts
    MP3 player
    light jacket
    anything else, I can buy there.
    If anyone has a Facebook account, you can find me there at Tina Wise

  106. Hi Tina Wise,
    It is nice meeting you. It sounds like you are organized. I plan on taking 4 pair of jeans, 1 dress, 3 pair of other pants a number of tops a sweater, my blackberry, digital camera 2 pairs of walking shoes 1 pair of dress shoes some sort of jacket and a light sweater. I cannot trust myself to buy clothing there. I am a large woman and I am a shopaholic. I love clothes and will spend all of my time in a mall. I finally got my books but I am having trouble concentrating on reading them. I have to settle down to study and pack. Oh and to Cherrie and any one else who is a grandparent. HAPPY GRAND PARENTS DAY! It is coming up this Sunday.

  107. Hey All :)

    Cherrie and I tried this morning to get tickets for Phantom and finally called SEE tickets in the UK and ended up not being able to get them because her credit card would not accept the English Pounds. If you all want to try and get one for yourself here is the phone number for SEE Tickets in the UK, dial just like this...
    There are 9 available seats in the balcony for Wednesday 23rd. and 9 for Thursday 24th. good luck, I am going to try later this week (after payday on the 10th) for mine. Make sure to get them "will call" to pick up at the box office, because they may not get to you in time if they post (mail) them.

    Q, Cherrie said she has not accepted your PayPal yet and will try to make PayPal send the payment back to you. Everyone that mailed a check to her already, she will give it back to you at Newark.

  108. I'm getting so excited...only nine days...where is my itinerary so that I can coordinate with Q...(looks in email)...gets more excited...where is it!??...next page?...previous page?...Ahhhh, there it is! --- Thanks, Q, for the post about coordinating travel to LAX. Since I am north of you, it's probably easier for you if we meet at the airport. I want to minimize potential unforeseen problems trying to meet that early in the morning, especially in L.A. traffic, etc. If I can help you or Machele, however, let me know. As of now, my husband was going to take me to the airport. I wonder if you have the same flight as I do? I leave Sept. 16 on Continental Flight 1703 at 8:35 a.m., arriving Newark 4:59 p.m. If you would like to talk more, send me an email at 1pear@sbcglobal.net. Nancy

  109. Hi Randy. I would like tickets to Phantom, if there is still room to include me. Let me know what I can do to compensate for payment. Thanks, Nancy

  110. Hi, Tina, this is Nancy Bartlett. I looked for you on Facebook -- which Tina are you? There are a few. If you want to add me as a friend, I am listed under Nancy Bartlett, and my picture is the scenic picture of me, my husband, and another lady at Ground Zero in Hiroshima (the remains of a building are in the background). Feel free to send a friends request.

  111. Hi Tina,Omiko,

    Glad you joined the group. Cherrie, Randy Thank You for trying. Perhaps, we wait and see if we can buy when we are there. I think I would enjoy it more as a group. What does everybody else think?

  112. Ok Randy and Cherrie, I'm going to try and go ahead and get a ticket for Phantom on Wednesday the 23rd for the balcony. Thanks for the info and doing all the legwork. Can't wait to finally meet all of you.


  113. If anyone else books their tickets...let me know.

  114. Hey Everyone,
    I don't know if this helps but I just went to the link for the play above and was able through them to buy a ticket for the play at Her Majesty's theatre through ticketmaster using my cc. I got a ticket for Wednesday the 23rd for the 7:30 show in the stalls. Row D seat 18. I don't know if that is good or not, but from the seating chart Ticketmaster has on their site, it looks pretty good. Don't know if that helps anyone at all. I also checked the box to obviously pick up the ticket at the box office. Hope you all can get seats, I don't want to go by myself! :) Good luck!


    for anyone who missed it. Here's the links I used:






  115. Allie,

    You bought yours. I am going to see if I can get close. Did you buy in the Band stalls?

  116. Hey Allie,

    I just bought my ticket and I am right next to you. Stalls Row D Seat 19. That was the choice they gave me.

  117. I purchased a ticket in Stalls -- Row D, Seat 20. Let's keep this going ... :)

  118. Come on everyone lets get together at the Opera!

  119. Hi gang,
    I just bought my ticket as well. The directions Allie provided worked great. I have Seat 21.

  120. Hey Everybody!!!! As you may have heard from Randy this AM we had trouble or rather I did with acquiring the tickets. So, this is what I learned from my banks. 1. Contact your credit card companies and your banks and let them know that you will be traveling abroad and that you may be using your cards for purchases or writing checks for same. Also, make 3 copies of your itinerary, your passport, the cards you will be using and the phone #s for emergency to contact your banks and credit cards offices. You will need to make copies of your driver's license and any emergency contacts that know you are out of the country. One set of papers should go in an envelope and seal it write your name across the flap BIG and then seal it with scotch tape. You will have the hotel put that in a safe for you and when you leave make sure you get it back. The second set of information goes with a family member (unsealed of course) the third set you need to keep in a carry on in a secret place. This information was given to me by my bank and Continental airlines for in case of emergencies. If items get lost or stolen. So, that is what happened with me. I tried to use my card and because it was an Overseas Exchange # the credit card company blocked my account!!!!!! Therefore, I am ordering tickets for Q, myself, and Ashley? and Omika. Correct? Q, I can still get them, my card has cleared.. Please advise me because I am getting the tickets in the morning. Randy, I can get yours as well.

  121. Cherri, I don't know who Ashley is but I just got finished chatting with Amanda on Facebook and she wants you to get hers also. I think Machele does too.

  122. Hi Everyone! here is something else I just learned tonight. (I am so thrilled I have my internet back! I have been lost without a phone as well. Okay. for all of us bringing cameras and laptops: Make certain you get them registered at customs. They will give you small sheet of paper with the serial numbers of your camera(s) and laptop(s) and any other item that could be misconstrued for declaration purposes. In otherwords when we return we do not want to pay duty fare on items we already owned! Also, if these items are lost or stolen the #s can be tracked or flaged! Good information huh?

  123. Okay, Amanda and Omiko, will do. Jodie, when I get your check I will give it to you at New Jersey.

  124. Hi Omiko im Ashley and everyone else who has postes stuff since I have been on... lol and yes Cherrie if you can still get my ticket too that would be great! I dont want to miss out. YAY I cant wait!!

  125. oh yeah...If anyone has facebook who hasn't added me yet. You can find me as Ashley Latshaw =)

    Also Was wondering if the blackboard classroom is suppose to up yet or not? It usually is by now for all the other classes I have had. Just making sure I didn't miss anything. =)

  126. I am in your capable hands Den Mom Cherrie. I have spent the weekend procuring a British motorcycle, of all things, and am pressed for time, energy, and give-a-damn. According to both my dogs, I have a very comfortable lap; so if any find themselves sans seat, I may be able to provide same, within reason (defined solely by myself of course).

  127. My computer is going crazy. Or maybe it is the operator. Thanks for all the information you have given me. I stopped doing anything after I received my passport. Thanks for including me in the tickets for the phantom. Nancy, I am taking that same flight. My husband is going to be driving me to the airport. He does not want to go in the morning and he has family in L.A. but I want to stay in a hotel. We will see. Anyway I will see you and Q at LAX. If you need any help with anything let me know. You can email me or call me @741-697-3393.

  128. Okay everyone; Den Mom is going to strutt her stuff and get tickets. The balcony it will be and remember, we may not all be sitting together. Also, the tickets will be at the will call in London! Wish me luck! Gosh, we are just days away. As to the class room online, I just finished my paper for my sociology class and haven't tried yet. It is Monday, it should be up.

  129. Okay, here is my head count for tickets: Correct me if I missed someone:

    Q, Randy, Myself, Linda, Omika, Amanda, Machele, Tracie,you bought yours, but Ashley I will get yours, and Berna. That's still 9. which is good because that is the minimum of a group rate.

  130. I will check this area on tues. am before I make the purchase to ensure I did not forget anyone! Here we go.

  131. Okay Wild Bunch, I checked the online classroom. Nothing open yet. Check it tomorrow.

  132. Hey there fellow London Rebels :)

    I started making a top 10 list of things not to do in England that I fully intend to do ;) here is what I have so far, let me know if you know of anything else I missed...

    1) Order "Ice Tea" for dinner.
    2) Ask for "Steak Sauce" to put on my steak.
    3) Make sure to ask for "the check" at dinner.
    4) For breakfast ask for "wheat" toast.
    5) Order "regular" coffee.
    6) Order an "English muffin" for breakfast.
    7) Get a hamburger with "pickels".
    8) Order a "soda".
    9) When in mixed company try and use the term "blow off" (as in blow something off) into the conversation.
    10) Again in mixed company, try and bring into the conversation eating at Wendy's and ordering a "biggie fry and drink".

  133. Hi Cherrie,

    Thank you. Yes, I did buy my ticket. You can give me the check back at the airport, that will be fine. I am calling my credit card companies today. You gave us great information. I still can not acess class...anyone else???

  134. Machele: Thank you for your information. I'm happy we are on the same flight. Only 8 days away ...

  135. Can anyone access Blackboard???

  136. Hello everyone, this is Linda

    I was able to purchase a ticket for the 9/23 show, I am sitting in row F, seat 17. I am thrilled that I was able to get a ticket! hooray!!

    I just checked the Blackboard again, and do not see anything yet..wonder when we will get our assignment for this week?

  137. Hey Cherrie - can you confirm if you included me in your ticket purchase? If you already purchased them, I will cancel my ticket and go with the group. If you did not purchase them yet, please still include me in the count, and if you are successful, I will cancel my ticket. I would prefer to sit with the group, but just in case, I will not cancel my ticket until I hear back from you. Can you please email me at girliegirl0101@aol.com? You rock!!

  138. Hey Rowdy bunch,
    I am at work and cannot get anything done. Thank God I have a great staff that understands how hard it is for me to be here. Right now I want to run out the door and finish everything I have to do and count down the days to our trip. I am thankful to have a job but right now it is hard to be here.
    Anyone else feeling like that? Randy it sounds like you have thought of everything. My boss told me to go to a pub. They serve fish and toast and butter for appetizers. She says it is absolutely delicious.

  139. I can understand your dilemma, Machele. I'm at home, but my mind is constantly on the trip -- packing, thinking of things I need to remember to take, and not really being able to concentrate too long on one thing -- counting down the days. We have a lot to read for the class, so that will help settle my brain for now. All that stuff at the pub sounds good with a diet coke!

  140. I GOT THE TICKETS!!!!!!!! Linda, I did not forget you, not to worry. Here we go, I have 9 tickets; 1 each for: Linda, Randy, Q, Berna, Omika, Amanda, Machele, Ashley, and Me. If I forgot someone - please forgive me - it was not intentional. There is time to buy tickets for 09/23 @ 7:30p. Her Majesty's Theartre @ Piccadilly. Dial this # 001-44-207-834-7231. They were great there. Here is our seating arrangement: Balcony B-25 to 27; C-25 to 27; and D 7 to 9. We are arranged 3 seats behind the other. We will be together! And we are doing Fish and chips (vinegar and salt or bread and butter. As the good Dr. said, business Casual is d'rigor! In the meantime, the tickets are waiting for us at the Box Office (not Will Call. That was fun explaining what I meant) and here is the confirmation # (they call it Booking Reservation #)71736888. In the meantime, the tickets are under my name and I must present my credit card. But I thought we should know the Bk. Res. #. I hope I did good.

  141. Hi Machele

    I feel the same way! Thank goodness that my staff at work is very supportive, and they know that I am losing my marbles this week, so they have really stepped up as a team. I am so worried about getting everything in place while I am gone that I am totally distracted! I hope that reading will help me to settle down. I am sooo excited about the trip!

  142. All of you are not alone. I am going bonkers, trying to make notes, read, pay bills, and on and on. We have alot for this week! Ouch.

    Hey everyone I found a site to book tickets to fly to Dublin, Ireland for $65.00 (American Dollars) round trip. We could go morning and return evening. Anyone interested?

    Good job Cherrie!

  143. Hi Tracie

    Wow, Dublin sounds awesome; is there room in our schedule while we are on this study trip to go to Ireland for one day? If so, count me in!

  144. Count me in! I've wanted to go to Ireland since I was 3 and was really bummed about being so close and not being able to go.


  145. Hi Everyone, I just did some research and thought to share this with you:
    Tip: Register Items Before You Leave The United States

    (08/21/2009)If your laptop computer was made in Japan—for instance—you might have to pay duty on it each time you bring it back into the United States, unless you could prove that you owned it before you left on your trip. Documents that fully describe the item—such as sales receipts, insurance policies, or jeweler's appraisals—are acceptable forms of proof.

    To make things easier, you can register certain items with CBP before you depart— including watches, cameras, laptop computers, firearms, and CD players—as long as they have serial numbers or other unique, permanent markings. Take the items to the nearest CBP office and request a Certificate of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad (CBP Form 4457). It shows that you had the items with you before leaving the United States and all items listed on it will be allowed duty-free entry. CBP officers must see the item you are registering in order to certify the certificate of registration. You can also register items with CBP at the international airport from which you’re departing. Keep the certificate for future trips.

  146. here's the url:


    to get more info on anything else you may be interested in.

  147. Hi Tracie!!!!! Ireland???????? 65.00? Yeah, I'd love to go. My favorite mother-in-law in the whole wide world came from county Cork (not sure of spellling.) Will we have time?


  148. I think so. If we make it a day trip. I will check details, and get back with all.

  149. Hi Tracie,

    I got your check. I will be bringing it with me to the airport. Thank you so much. I am so sorry it was such a mess on my end. However, it worked out okay...Right?

  150. I am glad to hear I am not alone in the mad dash to tidy home affairs and settle little fires (like losing online internet and phone connections! LOL!) In the meantime, I am sooooooo thrilled to be soooooooo lucky to meet up with a great bunch of people who are so into this trip! And not just for the learning experience; but for the aspect of the adventure of it all! Yeah! My inner child is just jumping for joy!!

  151. Ok, I have searched and searched the best way. Ryan air is the cheapest. But.. it has gone up since I checked this morning. Total round trip per person would be $109.00. So, I do not not know who might be interested. Let me know if we would like to pursue this? I will check again in the morning. They seem to offer specials at different times.

  152. Hi Tracie
    That price doesnt sound bad at all...I am still interested; I have always wanted to see Ireland, and who knows when I will be in Europe again!! Definitely count me in - Erin go Bragh! (for one day, at least!)

  153. I would love to go to Ireland =) just as long as we can fit it in our busy london time, I am all for going along. =) Erin go Bragh! lol Im mostly all Irish so it would be fun to go where most of my family is from. Even for one day.

  154. Ohhhhhh. Mee too!!! Me too!!!

  155. London to Dublin --I made that trip a few months ago. A lot of time is taken up in travel: hotel to Heathrow, allow 1 hour by cab; Heathrow requires you to be checked in 1 hour before flights; flying time to Dublin 1 1/2 hours; cab from airport to downtown Dublin at least 1/2 hour. (One way, that's 4 hours if everything goes well-- i.e. no circling Heathrow waiting to land on your return, etc.)

    We, your valiant professors, have suggested course-related activities in London and outlined hour-long discussion sessions we'll be holding as part of ENG/HIS 388 each morning while we're there (see Itinerary and Course Guide)--but have indicated that we're leaving our London time otherwise unstructured for you to define. Opening up unlimited possibilities, to be sure... Nevertheless, we see round-trip travel time to/from Dublin as a prohibitive barrier both to a worthwhile experience in Dublin, and to full exploration of our course perspective. (Dr. Lowe and Dr. Clugston)

  156. Dublin sounds like a cool idea...i am definitely in. What day is the plan to do this?
    Amanda New

  157. Okay. Then no Dublin for me. I want to be visiting not traveling. Although I love flying, at some point, I need to land! LOL. Thank you very much for the heads up.


  158. HI All,
    I love this group. I would love to go to Dublin. I would also be interested in going to Paris. There is a train that travels 100 miles per hour. We can go for the day. It is a little pricy about 200.00. If anyone is interested let me know. The Itinerary for Paris shows there is time to see the sights, have lunch and return in one day.I do not know if that is true but it is worth checking out. I do not want to take away from our learning experience. I act like I do not have a job. Well I have to go because I have to go to my second job. See you soon!

  159. I would love to see it all. I guess there will have to be many more trips. Well time to get down to business (school)and start posting. We will all meet soon. I am so excited and counting. The only thing is, it comes and then it is gone. We have to enjoy every minute.

  160. Machele,

    Post it to the Cafe and see what the Doc's have to say.

  161. Hi Dr. clugston,

    just a heads up on Q, his email system is down.

    thanks, Cherrie

  162. Linda, I got your check today. 9/11
    Thank you very much. Would have called but there was no number on the check.

    Love ya,

  163. Hi Cherrie
    Sorry for this late response. Thank you for purchasing me a ticket. I appreciate it. I will pay you tomorrow when I see you ....and meet you. It is all becoming reality now. I am very excited. See you soon.

  164. I am in New Jersey now. The traffic is INSANE!!!
